JANE VANCE                            613-319-6750  or  613-798-6665

Jane Vance is a graduate of the AcuDestress program, who, as a result of her own results, has become a member  of the adjunct staff. She runs our add-on programs which relate to biofeedback, and schedules patient appointments, both for biofeedback and individual appointments with Dr. Bailey during the program. She answers all attendee-patient questions starting from the first day of the program to the last day, and answers our main office telephone number - 613-319-6750 or emails at

NANCY DEFALCO BAILEY                                            613-319-0419

Nancy Defalco  Bailey  handles Quebec registrations, payments and insurance receipts. Visit our APPOINTMENTS PAGE  with remaining questions and to book your intake date/time and our Frequently Asked Questions page for further inquiries.

                     Her e-mail web address is:


Clients already registered and previous attendees of the program may book intake appointments or alter existing intake appointments by calling:


Clients who are affiliated with South East Ottawa Community Health Centre or other Community Health Centres can register and get intake appointments by calling :


DOMENIQUE MASSÉ    613-737-7195

                        (local # 2416)

THE OTN staff at Southeast Ottawa Community Health Centre (Dominique Massé
at 613-737-7195 # 2416 coordinates registrations and book intake appointments of patients of Southeast Ottawa  and other CHCs.  Once you are registered, the OTN staff do not play a role in the program, itself, and will not be able to answer program-related questions.

Please direct all program-related questions to our own program staff. Visit our APPOINTMENTS PAGE  and and our Frequently Asked Questions page

DR. BRIAN BAILEY                                                            613-319-0419

DR. BAILEY prefers to answer questions by e-mail. Please use the above telephone in
an emergency only. Dr. Bailey uses a cell phone in his car only For this reason it is not always answered, so you are better to use the numbers above, excluding the OTN/ SEOCHC number 613-737-7195


Do not use either the phone number or the e-mail address to make an appointment.  Call Vance Vance above for appointments. Dr. Bailey does not book his own appointments.

Best to call the numbers above to connect with Dr. Bailey.

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