
“Answering questions is pretty much what our job is.

Those who attend immediately experience things newly...

and they naturally want to know what’s up. At times they ask what

amounts to the wrong questions to the last person they should ask.”

                                                                                   Brian C. Bailey M.D.



If you're new to AcuDestress, whether a patient or a health care practitioner, don't expect to know everything about it. It’s new - and constantly evolving - as we search for better and better results.  We keep adding to it to make it better. We spend all of 16 sessions, each with a page on our internal web site, expanding on what we've said in the session, to explain why people respond to it the way they do. Even those pages are being revised from session to session as neuroscience reveals its secrets.

We know, from long experience, that patients will become curious and seek answers - because we know that the internal events that begin to happen when one uses ear acupuncture are unique to it. This, in itself, can be troubling unless we can explain it. Use of ear acupuncture leads to neuroplasticity, which, while holding great promise, at times along the way can be discombobulating. So, I if you're a clinician seeing these patients at the same time, they may think you can answer their every question. For most clinical questions, it's best to refer them back to me or one of our well-versed facilitators. And I answer patient e-mails, promptly.

So, if your question is not among those appearing below, may I invite you to e-mail me at:

With this in mind I’ve answered some questions which have come up recurrently, so you’ll  know what I know. Click the word QUESTION before the question you want answered to get to my answer:



QUESTION: Why do we create a conversation with the patients about the possibility that they are sensitive to gluten?

QUESTION: If we surmise that a person is gluten sensitive what do we advise? Do we suggest an approach to gluten sensitivity more costly than regular eating?

QUESTION: Patients sent to a psychiatrist or some other therapists often receive a formal diagnosis (known as a DSM-IV or  DSM-5 or an ICD diagnosis ) - which can be helpful in determining disability eligibility and medication regimes. Do you use such diagnoses?

QUESTION: Is it normal or abnormal for a patient undergoing AcuDestress to be somewhat confused and a little "out of it" at times?

QUESTION: Why is AcuDestress done in groups, not individually? What are the unexpected implications for individuals and their health care providers?

QUESTION: Can you explain why a few people complain, in the early going, about the changes they are experiencing?


QUESTION: Who is charged a fee for acupuncture at our clinic? Who is exempt?

QUESTION: Where will my particular session be held?

QUESTION: Why do we ask patients who come to see us to sign an e-mail waiver?

QUESTION: Is it possible to become a recipient of AcuDestress while not living in Ottawa?

QUESTION : If an interested person has a group of clients who could possibly benefit from AcuDestress, what should a group organizer do to explore this?

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